Growth Fundraising Goal

Raised: $109,895
Goal: $130,000

Growth 2020




We are bringing the fun right to you at home with a virtual edition of Growth 2020.

Live event and drawings Thursday, June 25 at 7:00pm PDT

Raffles open Thursday, June 18 at 8:00am PDT

Growth 2020 is Oregon Wildlife Foundation's annual fundraising event, where our mission is shared with you through visual storytelling, special video messages from our project leaders, and community-building from a safe distance.

Oregon needs stewardship of its outdoors even though we are still indoors (for now). Join us in celebrating, raising funds and awareness for the habitat and wildlife that makes Oregon such a special and necessary place, especially during times of uncertainty.

Raffles include sports packages, music events, outdoor recreation trips, fine dining and more!


For technical support please call 503-255-6059.

Growth Fundraising Goal

Raised: $109,895
Goal: $130,000